
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Talking Tongue Dog

The lengths that dachshund lovers will go to only to dine with their pals.

A new short comedy film by Tom Gregory who notes:

Dogs are great. If everyone loved their pets as much as my household loves our dachshunds Susie and Jack, the world would be much more kind.

Through the years as our dogs have unabashedly lapped at my face, I've thought all that dirty but loving tongue could be harnessed for another use; hence this video.

Shirley Mitchell makes a cameo appearance at the video's end. Shirley made her mark on Jack Benny's radio show in the forties then came TV. I Love Lucy, Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies and countless of immortal shows are Shirley's legacy to American television. The line we shout to her at this video's end is in homage to her work as Marion Strong on I Love Lucy. In one of my favorite episodes, Lucy cannot lie or she will lose a bet to Ricky, Fred and Ethel. At an afternoon bridge game when Marion breaks out in a piercing laugh, Lucy candidly tells Shirley's Marion just what she thinks of her loud, rhythmic giggle. I'm proud to call Shirley a friend and even more pleased that she is still working hard and sharing her comedic genius at almost ninety years of age. I'd love to see her up on the big screen or back on television.

This video is my celebration of pets, love, friends and life.

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